ESG 101 Checklist

If your organization wishes to report on its ESG performance in waste and recycling, we have created a comprehensive checklist of the core reporting requirements that you would need to consider.

Checklist of Waste Related Reporting Requirements

  • For the organization’s significant actual and potential waste-related impacts, provide a description of:

    • the inputs, activities, and outputs that lead or could lead to these impacts;
    • whether these impacts relate to waste generated in the organization’s own activities or to waste generated upstream or downstream in its value chain.
  • Actions, including circularity measures, taken to prevent waste generation in the organization’s own activities and upstream and downstream in its value chain.

  • Actions to manage significant impacts from waste generated.

  • If the waste generated by the organization is managed by a third party, a description of the processes used to determine whether the third party manages the waste in line with contractual or legislative obligations.

  • Description of the processes used to collect and monitor waste-related data.

  • Total weight of waste generated in tons, and a breakdown of this total by composition of the waste.

  • Total weight of waste diverted from disposal in tons, and a breakdown of this total by composition of the waste.

  • Total weight of hazardous waste diverted from disposal in tons, and a breakdown of this total by the following recovery operations:

    • Preparation for reuse;
    • Recycling;
    • Other recovery operations.
  • Total weight of non-hazardous waste diverted from disposal in tons, and a breakdown of this total by the following recovery operations:

    • Preparation for reuse;
    • Recycling;
    • Other recovery operations.
  • Total weight of waste directed to disposal in tons, and a breakdown of this total by composition of the waste.

  • Total weight of hazardous waste directed to disposal in tons, and a breakdown of this total by the following disposal operations:

    • Incineration (with energy recovery);
    • Incineration (without energy recovery);
    • Landfilling;
    • Other disposal operations.
  • Total weight of non-hazardous waste directed to disposal in tons, and a breakdown of this total by the following disposal operations:

    • Incineration (with energy recovery);
    • Incineration (without energy recovery);
    • Landfilling;
    • Other disposal operations.

Do you recognize the growing importance of ESG Reporting for your organization? Does this all feel like too much for you to manage?

NWA has a specialized Compliance Manager, who can complete all this paperwork for you to help keep you in compliance. Talk to us today at 1-888-692-5005 x6 or email

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