Put Media Company Waste Diversion Goals into Action

The consensus among staff and leadership of media companies is a desire to take action on waste diversion measures. But there remain industry-wide roadblocks to taking action. Knowing where to start, tracking waste data, having a trusted waste partner, and assigning in-house responsibility are just some of the common hurdles to fully developed waste reduction programs.

Taking control of waste data

Lack of or poor waste data has been reported as a common problem for multi-site media companies. Giant national haulers that own landfills benefit from this lack of waste transparency. In such scenarios hauling half loads to the landfill becomes profit for a hauler but a carbon, time, and cost vampire to you. Having a trusted partner with zero landfill stake is key to having a clear picture of where waste comes from, where it goes, and how best to plan for more sustainably handled waste. The right sustainable waste management partner will secure the appropriate services at the proper time and develop the right plan tailored to your needs.

A comprehensive examination of data collection and analysis will ensure the most strategic actions plan for waste reduction, recycling, and monetization. Waste data should never be murky, and when your sustainable waste management partner is unburdened by landfill ownership, you’ll receive the most in recycling and rebate revenue opportunities.

Managing various multi-site media facilities means analyzing waste streams, conducting site visits, and evaluating waste content to determine the appropriate application, maximizing each haul and diverting waste from the landfill.

Media companies can benefit from the reporting of waste data in their ESG reports. This can prove your firm is implementing best practices, reaching waste reduction goals, and establishing baselines for what’s achievable as an industry leader.

Developing a waste monetization plan

Lowering waste and waste bills is achievable. It starts with auditing what is being placed in the waste and recycling bins. Companies in the media industry have a great variety of waste, from corporate office buildings to on-location, pre-production, and post-production facilities. Constant waste variety requires strategic planning to implement the best waste diversion and recycling practices.

Turning your landfill-bound waste into after-market selling opportunities also supports carbon reduction goals. Please take a look at how we turned a restaurant’s waste to profit by clicking here.

Leverage a trusted partner to put waste aspirations into actionable goals

In our commitment to Changing Waste for Good, we value putting sustainable waste management goals into action. Here’s what to look for in your next provider:

  • Smooth strategy implementation
  • Reduced costs
  • No surprise costs
  • No hidden fees after the first billing cycle
  • Before & after data showing a switch from hauler that owns landfills
  • Fights hauler increases
  • Offers complex reward-driven diversion opportunities
  • Ongoing renegotiating with an extensive network of certified haulers
  • Waste stream optimization
  • Triple checking invoices on your behalf
  • Implement the best after-market profit opportunities
  • 100% of optimization and savings goes to you
  • Develop compliance reporting and program measurement

As media companies begin moving forward on company-wide waste initiatives, National Waste Associates’ (NWA) dedicated team of professionals shares your goal for waste diversion. We also take charge of lowering waste bills, getting you the right vendors, and being a top partner with a team committed to your needs and strategic plan. Waste data collection and tracking, supply chain management, and developing leadership for media company waste efforts are all a part of the NWA commitment.

NWA has successfully helped multi-site facilities launch effective waste and recycling programs by using information gleaned from streamlined waste data to leverage waste diversion and monetization opportunities.
To learn more, talk to us today at 1-888-692-5005 x6 or
email us at sales@nationalwaste.com

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