Green Practices Make Great Business Sense!
Your “to do” list is probably long and most likely recycling and waste minimization is not at the top, at least for most companies. However, a top priority should be developing sustainable working practices for all businesses that have a goal of reducing their operating costs.
Green practices involve three core principles. Known as the three Ps, they are: Planet, People and Profit. These principles are interlinked, which is why they make great business sense. For example, if part of your sustainability plan is to help protect the environment by reducing your company’s consumption of natural resources (minimizing the amount of waste you produce and recycling as much of what’s left as possible), then this will protect your business’s bottom line which will increase profits!
At the core of any resource management section of your sustainability plan is the reduction, reuse and recycling of materials implemented through an effective waste management program. To ensure that the improvements you make are fully embraced into the long-term culture of your company (that they are sustainable), they must be backed up with employee participation, continuous learning and improvement.
Sustainability: Meeting the needs of today without compromising the future
To create an effective sustainability plan, your business must consider the consequences of your current and long-term activities on the environment. It’s critical that businesses adopt a process of continuous re-evaluation and adjustment to obtain an effective long-term plan. This process can be overwhelming for some businesses. It can be difficult to stay on top of waste management guidance and even more difficult ensuring that the guidance you’re using is up to date and accurate.
Increased regulations and rising disposal costs require businesses to constantly adapt their approach to managing their waste stream. Sustainability plans can come in many forms depending on the size, type and capacity of your organization.
Laws and regulations are constantly changing, which can make it difficult for businesses to develop and manage their own sustainability plans for resource management. National Waste Associates understands that challenge, which is why we help businesses to develop lasting plans that really work. At NWA, we stay on top of new recycling laws and work pro-actively to keep your business environmentally compliant in each state you operate in.
We utilize proven procedures to develop the most efficient sustainability plan for your business’s waste operations.
We can help you:
- Develop a Vision and Set Goals and Targets to reach it
- Evaluate Current Processes and Impacts
- Categorize Opportunities. Opportunities will typically be grouped into two broadly defined categories: Source Reduction or Waste Minimization Programs, and Waste Diversion or Recycling/Composting Programs
- Plan and Implement
- Report and feedback to allow for continuous improvement
Our recycling and composting programs are typically net loss activities in terms of operating costs and revenues when material is collected in small amounts. However, when you factor in avoided disposal costs and other potential pollution and energy savings, these programs may in fact be quite profitable. We continuously analyze our client’s waste steam to identify opportunities for recycling and composting, based on market variables and quantities. Returns can be earned from materials such as cardboard and mixed paper recyclables when quantities are sufficient.
As many landfills are coming close to reaching capacity, it’s now more important than ever to recognize the importance of becoming sustainable and reducing waste. Every year, more states are increasing their environmental legislation. Most states now have at least one mandatory recycling requirement, targeting materials from lead-acid batteries to corrugated cardboard.
National Waste Associates is known for operating recycling programs with “best in class” performance for diverting waste from landfills. Pursuing sustainable strategies makes good business sense!
To learn more about our sustainability services, please call 1-888-692-5005 x6 or email
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