Optimizing your gas station and convenience stores’ waste management plan often goes overlooked but could play a big part in maximizing your bottom line.
As part of our commercial waste disposal services, NWA can help you reduce expenses and enhance your brand image by designing a sustainability plan for you, an essential part of any public-facing business today. We also connect you with a single-source point of contact and round-the-clock client support to guarantee reliable waste services.
Cost-Saving Waste Solutions for a Hectic Industry
While a gas station’s steady stream of foot traffic from travelers is great for business, it’s also often one of the only stops they make while they’re on the road, meaning it’s not uncommon for them to use their stops to dump their built up, on-the-road garbage.
Ultimately, your company has to deal with your own operational waste streams, in addition to theirs. It can seem simpler to designate it all for the landfill - but that will only end up costing you more for disposal as well as possible non-compliance fees. Stop letting your profits go to waste, literally. Did you know landfill tipping fees have increased as much as 1500% in the last 20 years? Those rates are only going to continue to rise.
Gas stations and convenience stores stand uniquely poised to benefit significantly from a diversion plan. It can seem daunting, though, since diversion requires sorting, sorting requires resources (staff, equipment, energy, etc.) and these resources cost money. That’s why we’re dedicated to doing the busy work for you – so you can get past the planning and move on to implementation to enjoy the positive ROI more quickly.
Diverting waste when possible is in our contract and we monitor our suppliers to ensure that they are fulfilling our agreement. If we find that our haulers are not getting your company to its goals with regards to diversion, we go back to market and make adjustments—it’s as simple as that. Any profits earned through diversion are then passed onto the client, you.
Additionally, we consistently review your waste invoices to ensure you’re not being charged for any hidden fees. Since it’s becoming more common for haulers to bundle their fees, it can be difficult to discern exactly what your company is being charged for which services. We have an entire department dedicated specifically to auditing and fighting these pricing discrepancies to make sure your waste prices are fair and your costs are controlled, so you can get back to focusing on your business.
Maintain Compliance with Changing Food Waste Regulations
More than 30 million tons of food waste is sent to landfills each year, largely coming from restaurants, gas station convenience stores, and supermarkets, alike.
Since it’s becoming a growing trend for cities and states to regulate or ban commercial food waste disposal, it’s important for you to make sure you stay in compliance to avoid fees or other penalties.
In fact, five states have implemented bans on food waste in landfills in the past five years, with several other states introducing similar bills to do the same. It can be difficult to keep up-to-date with the dynamic and ever-changing waste and recycling legislation, especially when you’re focused on streamlining daily operations for a business dealing with limited labor in a fast-paced sector like the gas station industry. We help keep you in compliance with constantly changing recycling regulations - both local and federal, with oversight from our dedicated compliance manager.
Additionally, studies show that the average cost to dispose of a ton of food waste is $3,600, so an organics recycling program will not only keep you in regulatory compliance, but also save you money.
There are three key areas our team prioritizes to keep your food waste costs low and ensure compliance - prevention, composting and donation. Our waste experts realize not all of your gas station locations have the same disposal streams and needs - so we identify unique plans for every one of your sites, tailored to their specific requirements and differing waste legislations, as these can differ even from county to county.
Minimize Waste to Reduce Operational Costs, Promote Sustainability and Achieve ESG Goals
With the prices of oil and gas constantly in flux, gas station operators need to find every opportunity to both remain competitive and keep business profitable and stable.
In addition to the cost-saving waste and recycling solution programs we plan for each of your sites, there are other ways to reduce internal costs, like with waste minimization. Of course, you can continue with processes like auditing your inventory to maintain a balance between what sells best or worst to avoid an excess of wasted products, but there are other steps that often go overlooked yet will yield significant savings.
Even going beyond reusable shipping containers, replacing restroom paper towels with air dryers or donating/composting excess food - there are plenty of other opportunities to minimize. The difficult part is analyzing your internal operations and identifying these opportunities. That’s why we do it for you.
Our team maximizes our partners’ profits with source reduction strategies through a careful analysis of your waste streams and daily operational processes. While sustainability and an industry like the gas station sector haven’t historically gone hand-in-hand, in recent years, the more strategic and successful companies have begun to set – and achieve – ambitious ESG goals. In such a competitive landscape, it’s a smart business move to join the movement to remain viable and thrive, with investors and other stakeholders increasingly placing more importance on these factors. It may seem daunting, but we can boost your ESG performance significantly with our strategies, programs and oversight.
In fact, NWA is a certified provider of green waste services that boast best-in-class recovery rates and we have helped many clients on their mission to achieve Zero Waste status. Ready to save money with waste minimization and enhance your public brand image by promoting sustainable waste management?
We Know Gas Station and Convenience Store Waste
Read about the waste problems facing gas station and convenience store chains on our blog.
Optimize Waste Management for Gas Stations and Convenience Stores
If you would like to learn how NWA can help optimize waste management for your gas stations and convenience stores, contact us today to set up a time to talk with us.