Blog Archives

EPS Foam Regulations – Will You Be Compliant in 2022?

After the legislative hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, states and congress have been busy putting new environmental legislation into place, under mounting political and public pressure. One material that has been particularly under the microscope is EPS foam. Why? First, because of the quantities. We throw away an estimated 25 billion Expanded Polystyrene (EPS […]

Why Food Waste Is Not Waste At All

When businesses think about recycling and zero waste, food waste is not one of the first things that comes to mind versus the obvious materials such as paper, plastic, cardboard and aluminum, before considering food waste. If your business is already recycling paper, bottles and cans, adding food scraps collections is the natural next step […]

4 Ways to Start Reducing Your Retail Waste v1

Retail is an incredibly profit-driven industry – and while there are many methods to improve your success, one of the most reliable involves eliminating unnecessary costs. Waste is one such cost center that shouldn’t be ignored. As with all direct costs, any savings generated by reducing the volume of waste goes directly to your bottom […]

4 Ways to Start Reducing Your Retail Waste

Retail is an incredibly profit-driven industry – and while there are many methods to improve your success, one of the most reliable involves eliminating unnecessary costs. Waste is one such cost center that shouldn’t be ignored. As with all direct costs, any savings generated by reducing the volume of waste goes directly to your bottom […]

National Waste Associates Delivers $500k In Cost Savings For Regional Supermarket Chain

Over two years, the team at National Waste Associates (NWA) worked continuously to reduce a supermarket retailer’s waste spend by $500k through service optimizations. The Challenge Material management is a 24-hour concern at supermarkets, and sites generally use compactors to get the maximum waste storage capacity from the smallest physical footprint. A regional supermarket chain […]