Blog Archives

EPS Foam Regulations – Will You Be Compliant in 2022?

After the legislative hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, states and congress have been busy putting new environmental legislation into place, under mounting political and public pressure. One material that has been particularly under the microscope is EPS foam. Why? First, because of the quantities. We throw away an estimated 25 billion Expanded Polystyrene (EPS […]

Leveraging Tech & Partnerships to Increase Guest Engagement

Guests seek entertainment to escape the everyday. But research shows consumers don’t necessarily want to escape responsibility from sustainability. The psychological relief of seeing waste reduction efforts in action help guests have a better experience visiting their favorite entertainment facilities. Leveraging technology and partnerships can help increase guest awareness and engagement on waste efforts. It […]

Fast Track Your Sustainable Waste Goals ( … even when you lack the staff)

Recreation companies of all sizes can struggle to carve out the resources they need within their own pool of staff to optimally manage their waste management program. This results in companies suffering from inflated waste costs, and inefficient and environmentally harmful collection schedules. These inefficiencies can mount up to cost a business tens of thousands […]

The Future is Transparent – ESG Reporting

In the past 24 months, there has been a significant spike in interest among investors and customers for socially responsible companies. Sustainable waste management is one of the key elements of a business’ ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance. Entertainment and recreation companies that practice sustainable waste management are in a great place to benefit […]